International cooperation

More about our program

The development of our mental health first aid courses is funded by the European Economic Area (EEA) financial mechanism Active Citizens Fund (ACF) through the project “Elusid päästvad “Vaimse tervise esmaabi” koolitused kodanike teadlikkuse tõstmiseks igasse Eesti valda” (Life-saving “Mental health first aid” courses for raising citizen awareness in every Estonian municipality).

The goal of ACF is to strengthen civil society and active citizenship, as well as empower vulnerable groups. The program is there to help us improve the long-term sustainability and capabilities of the civil society by expanding its role in participatory democracy, in progressing active citizenship and human rights, and in increasing the influence of vulnerable groups (

Three powerful NGOs – Peaasjad, Estonian Psychosocial Rehabilitation Association (EPRÜ) and Estonian Youth Mental Health Movement (ENVTL) – together with the Icelandic partner Geðhjálp (Icelandic Mental Health Alliance) encourage the provision of mental health first aid (MHFA) in local communities. The aim of the project is to improve mental health awareness and lessen stigmas and discrimination by training the heads of local governments, public health experts and spokespersons of local communities. We will create a functional network of MHFA trainers, create materials for communities and through raising awareness we can make the voices of people vulnerable to mental health problems heard. This allows people living with mental health conditions to receive appropriate help from services that take their individual needs into account and improves their opportunities of being active in their communities. The partners helping us carry out our project are comprised of children and adults living with mental health issues.