
How have the skills learned from the first aid to mental health course been put to use?

I feel bolder and ask directly whether something has happened or if I can be of help when someone at work seems to be bothered about something. Before, I would have discussed it with other colleagues instead.

I pay more attention to my family members and ask to talk to them when I see or feel that something is bothering them.

I managed to successfully calm down a student who was going through a nervous breakdown.

I use the 5 steps when I deal with people vulnerable to mental health issues. I also have the knowledge now on how to help those in need or how to seek professional help.

I have started to pay more attention to the behaviours of my colleagues and students. If something makes them worried, anxious or afraid. Now I can stay calm when talking to them and know how to help them.

The assistant at our child’s kindergarten has always seemed a bit different – she’s afraid of people, doesn’t look you in the eye, takes a long time to get used to people, is nervous. After the course, I started to think that perhaps there is something else behind it all – problems or tensions at home, from her childhood, etc. I talked to the principal and was my worries were confirmed. I asked them to pay more attention to her and help her, so that the children wouldn’t have to deal with her problems. I used to be annoyed at such behaviours, but now I am more compassionate.

We have made a small overview to our work collective of the techniques and tips on how to notice mental health issues. I have also been able to put these skills to use in customer service and my private life.

I take note of the mistakes I make that interfere with me helping people.

Thanks to this course I gathered the courage to ask about suicidal plans. I received encouragement and know that I am on the right track! Thank you!

When emotions are running high during conflicts, I try to stay neutral and listen and not add fuel to the fire. Later, when everyone has calmed down, we can start again.

I have started to notice labelling and prejudiced viewpoints more and try to help resolve the situation by commenting on them and bringing them out.

I have managed to support a relative and a colleague. The course was so helpful – what to do when you have noticed someone in need, how to help them and what not to do when helping them.

I have started to notice situations where someone needs more information on how to move on. I can support my child more now, because they were my main motivator for taking the course. Then again, I have come upon situations where there is a system for support, there is a person in need, but they are parallel universes of each other.